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Tuesday, 26 January 2016

See What Ibuprofen Did to This Baby

A baby boy has survived a deadly allergic reaction to ibuprofen,Finley Kirwan’s skin blistered and turned black.

The 15-month-old, from Southampton, was rushed into hospital on December 27 by his parents, Danielle Hart, 32, Dan Kirwan, 35.

He was struggling to swallow, was short of breath, and had a dangerously high temperature. Finley’s tiny body also started to develop an angry red rash.

It took four-days before he was diagnosed with Stevens-Johnson Syndrome – a rare but life-threatening skin condition, usually caused by a reaction to medication or an infection.
Doctors believe the reaction was caused by ibuprofen after he’d been given the liquid form for children, Calprofen, to ease a cough.

Finley’s organs began failing and his parents were told he might not pull through, but thankfully he survived and was allowed home three weeks later.

Danielle, a teaching assistant, said: ‘I was horrified when Finley’s skin started to blister, his lips were black and a red rash was covering his entire body.

‘We had no idea what was happening to him but we knew it was life threatening. For the first few days it was touch and go, we were heart broken.

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